Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Hey yall! Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while....I've just been tied down with the whole bible school deal! Which by the way is going very well. This might sound a little mean but I'm glad that we don't have so many kids this year. Especially in the teen class. But anyways I can't wait tho go back to school! I'm so excited! I don't think I have ever missed school so much in my life. I guess it's because I'm so attached to the teachers and people. I mean it's nothing like a public school. Everybody knows everybody and likes everybody(Well I'm sure that part aint true but ya know). Yeah lots of you guys don't know what a christian school is like so I will walk you through a day a MVCA(Mountain View Christian Academy). Well first its BORING, then its BORING then its BORING oh yeah and did I mention its BORING!!! Just kidding! It is actually very fun. In the morning you set out your lunch before you go to class.(We only have one lunch lady and she cooks everyones food everyday). Then you go to class,go to class.go to class,go to class,LUNCH,go to class,go to class, Yeah that seems like a lot of classes but its not cause we go to each class for like 35 min. Oh yeah and every Friday we have chapel! (AMEN) But yeah its pretty fun. I don't have to worry about what I'm gonna wear to school either because we have uniforms! But uh I'm tired so I'm done FINALLY!

-Love ya- Mean it-
